U.S. Congress: Litany of Failure

I wonder if this gang of fuckwits is the first governing body collectively plotting not to do things they are ostensibly actually in the process of attempting to do? The Mayorkis distraction differs from Donnie Dipshyt‘s hold on the Twitter® faction only in the insanity’s scale and intensity.

So now we have some Christo-Fascist nutjob calling shots on legislation he hasn’t even seen – legislation that by all accounts from any non-Trumpist with anything to say or do about it including the Border Patrol themselves – would like to see enacted. His predecessor, along with him and anyone who doesn’t give them what they want are literally pre-planned government failures. These cocksuckers are acting in their government roles as if the former POTUS has already begun his reign of dicatorial terror.

Not hard to call, just looking at him. Certainly appears to be a subservient-type fuckwit.

They’re ready for a dictator, doesn’t matter – long as they get their religious way.
Willie the Wimp -Stevie Ray Vaughan

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