Secret Nazi Plot

Despite Hitler getting a little out of hand leading up to World War II, the ideology remains alive and well in the USA today. It’s no secret any longer and I for one, am ready to kill some vermin.

We can look back now, at a distance of more than eighty years, and see that all those American fascists (along with their lies and disinformation, their Hitler love, their white supremacist antisemitic derangement) ended up splintered on a rocky embankment. But in the moment, the lead-up to World War II in America was a much more close-run affair than we want to remember. It was a fast ride through churning and dangerous political rapids, and it wasn’t clear at the time exactly who and what were going to survive the journey. A lot of powerful figures in Congress, in the media, in law enforcement, in religious leadership, were bailing hard to keep the fascist boat afloat.

ALL you MAGA mutherfuckers can suck my dick and choke on it.

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