The Metro Travel Era Begins

I can’t remember how many times cruising through Buckley AFB on our way to the Commissary I pointed to the radomes and mentioned to Michelle and the girls how I started my career there back in 1983 and would probably end up working there again some day.  That prophesy comes true next Tuesday.  Despite being based in Boulder from the Lockheed perspective, the customer (USAF) is at Buckley, and that’s where much of the work gets done.

Today I’ll wind my way clear across the entire Denver metro expanse west-to-east as I drive from Boulder to the downtown Denver VA hospital for a coronary CT scan.  Then I’ll swing by Buckley out on the east side to pick up prescriptions, do a little shopping then head home.  Should end up being a very long day, clocking around 120 miles on the “D.”  Starting Tuesday the daily work commute will be to Buckley and back, about an hour / 40 miles each way, as we integrate the latest and greatest software for the Air Force.  I only hope this phase of the operation doesn’t last too long.

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