Free Speech Isn’t Really Free

The Two-Way-Street nature of communication just escapes so many. Receivers on the end of alot this speech floating around nowadays might be feeling a pretty steep price when those screaming the loudest call for death and destruction. Doesn’t matter who started it. Chappelle got it right again.

He was right when he called Twitter™ a bathroom wall, and he’s right to say what he’s saying about the Middle East conflict now. Butthurt recipients might consider what really makes them feel that way. If they haven’t figured out why they continue being terrorized by now, they probably never will. At least not as long as religious zealots stoke the flames.

Whadda ya think’s behind some of the most divisive bullshyt in the USA today? Religious nutbags wanting to impose their beliefs on society at large. Preach it all you want – I can’t afford it – price is way too high when holy righteousness drives politics leading to war and 12-year-olds being forced to carry illegitimate pregnancies.

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