Can’t Understand Ramaswamy

…with Trump’s dick crammed down his throat. Anybody who saw him on Meet the Press today now knows he’s just another Trump apologist, pandering for MAGA votes. His policy and ethical about-faces amount to 360° spins in some cases. Most disgusting demonstration of political fast-talking fuckery I’ve seen in awhile. But I didn’t watch the debate.

“During a chaotic interview on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Republican presidential nomination contender Vivek Ramaswamy accused host Dana Bash of not being “intellectually honest” as she grilled him for equating Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) — who is black — with “the modern grand wizards of the modern KKK.”Asking if he wanted to walk back his inflammatory comments, he refused and what ensued was a back and forth where he refused to stop talking.”

What makes him think the MAGA mutherfuckers gonna vote for him? His name doesn’t even sound right, to them.

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