The More Things Change…

…the more they don’t? I wasn’t around at the turn of the last century, but from what I can tell, media sensationalism is still alive and well today. I guess the change as t’were, means including all the ephemeral electronic hogwash floating around on the social media cesspool and elsewhere in the cyber realm. And remember: the traditional outlets been doing it online and over the airwaves all along.

Doing what? Yellow Journalism. Fake News is just a new term for the same old shyt. Only real difference now is politics isn’t the primary topic pervading the marketing message everywhere you turn. I no longer participate much in the social media scene except for the occasional snipe at some of the most egregious offenders coming to my attention from time-to-time. But I see it all over Youtube™ now – people scrambling to be the first to slant the latest headline in whatever direction their proclivities take them. The scary part to me me at this stage is, where do the Mega Churches go from here? Guess it just depends on whether or not they can find the right IT staff.

Considering the marketing, sales and promotional crap of all kinds being foisted on receptive targets at scale all across the cyber realm today, the competition for your attention, time and money has never been keener. AI’s been here all along – it just recently came out of the closet, and you are it’s avowed electronic marketing target. There’s plenty of money to go around, but as long as the main point for earners on the cyber stage is making more of it, we’ll be doing the Yellow Journalism thing for a long time to come.

Too bad all the trees Hearst killed to print his papers weren’t publishing more in the way of truth – the greenhouse deficit might be reversed. Funny how alleged crime seems to be such a central theme in all the MAGA crap, eh? Bandits knew right from the beginning how the number of gullible, stupid people out there represents a tremendous opportunity. Don’t give it to them!

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