Anonymous Coward

This is what happens when Big Techâ„¢ gets involved with open source: Oracle pours fuel all over Red Hat source code drama.

Redhat certification got me my first civilian job after retiring from the Air Force. Now I hate them. There are only two reasons people use computers: To save money and to make money. Those goals become mutually exclusive when open source is a cost/profit center in the corporation. Customers cannot reduce costs with vendors increasing prices.

Redhat’s new source code policy constitutes a real steep price increase. It’s pretty simple logic, to anyone with enough perspective to connect the dots.

I always remember the government shift to Linux during my last few years in the Air Force. Micro$oft had been raping them with licensing fees for going on two decades when somebody got the bright idea to start moving to open source. Now they just pay the Redhat and Oracle support contracts, and I doubt there’s any shortage of M$ code running around these days either.

Ask any former Trump attorney.

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