Real Cannabis Worked

This was the main issue with the dearth of Cannabis research (if any) being conducted in the U.S. for the past eighty years: Mississippi ditch weed. The Feds scheduled it and said one place in Mississippi could grow some for science. Then I guess they hired some blind gardeners to tend their garbage crops. Reports over the years indicated potency’s averaging in the 5-10% range.

“Cannabis works in different ways for different people. Different types of studies keep adding detail to the picture of how the botanical drug works.”

I’ll add different strains for different maladies to the mix as well, in my case at least. Did you know that a veteran cannot get a prescription history from the VA by just asking for it? The cover-up continues, at the macro level.

It should be interesting to see how it goes down when this takes hold in the conventional healthcare system.

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