Fuck Youtube™

Youtube might have been one of the few social media-type services that could be a legitimate people’s media platform if they just cleaned up a little and started vetting users like they all should be doing. That is clearly no longer the case. They’ll say it’s only competition in a free market, tough shyt.

I just un-subscribed from a couple channels degrading into the same sensational so-called news reporting afflicting the more traditional news outlets for decades. If there’s nothing screaming crime, crises, calamity or politics that day do a human interest piece instead of twisting nonsense and making mountains out of molehills. Ad revenue is king. Veracity, perspective and facts be damned.

“YouTube and the other platforms that preceded it in weakening their election misinformation policies, like Facebook, have made it clear that one attempted insurrection wasn’t enough. They’re setting the stage for an encore,” said its vice president Julie Millican in a statement.

LATE UPDATE: This was a story those TYT assholes thought was so sensational from the fuckwit who so deceptively started it, as to break the whole AI issue wide open. US air force denies running simulation in which AI drone ‘killed’ operator.

Fear-mongering fuckwits. Getting tired of doing your homework. They should ask Boozbag how she walks back that run up the Capitol steps. 🙂

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