2018 Heat Wave

Our location normally sees a degree or 2 more or less than the Denver Metro and surrounding areas. I imagine that is just something to do with this specific locality being on the edge of the the prairie in the arid steppe climate zone. We saw 102 yesterday and expect to be around the low triple digits for the week. We also saw the highest temperature ever recorded here (107) about 10 days ago, but that was only a 2-day period with the 1 really hot day.

2018 Heat Wave
It is making for a very bad fire season. Farmers and ranchers are hurting in one of the worst droughts ever. Some large percentage of southwest portions of the state have been in the exceptional drought category since the middle of last winter. It’s now a macro climate phenomenon being called the aridification of the Southwest. Climate change? Global Warming? Whatever you call it, I’m not enjoying it very much.

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