What’s the Point?

Yeah, I get that legacy recording formats are making a comeback, but why? I have a little collection of vinyl music recordings that were played only once for the purpose of cassette transfer. There’s also a bookcase full of CDs in the collection, none of which can be expected to last. Timelines differ, significantly in some respects, but depending on things like storage environment and playing time, they’re little more than historical curiosities at this point. Practically speaking from a music storage and reproduction standpoint, CDs are just fragile little plastic discs, vulnerable to use and abuse. I saved a brand new cartridge for the turntable, assuming I won’t be able to get one when the time comes. The weird part is using it would just inflict damage on the records.

And the hardcore enthusiasts will argue digital isn’t real enough.

This is why I hate Seth Meyers“Back in My Day” bit. Guess it depends what you’re doing with it, but if it’s building a HiFi system, my advice is put your money in speakers and amps.

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