Alabama Misogyny

Crime, Politics ‘n Play – whodathunkit? Not that I would expect much different in a state where the dottering old woman governor is just one of many unabashed racists in that position all across the country. Her lack of interest in the misogyny topic likely aligns with her political support in that southern-fried attitude, deeply embedded all across the southern U.S. At the end of the U.S. Civil War, after finally realizing slavery was over, they decided to just sit on their money and fuck everybody else. Maybe steal a bit from welfare.

“Sexism is taught and reinforced in American society in a myriad of ways every day, big and small. It’s long past time we realized how young we start teaching children the message that boys are always, always superior and more deserving than girls, no matter the circumstances. The Hoover girls’ 5th-grade team is owed an apology from every single adult involved in this buffoonery.”

Those Alabama fuckwit senators Tuberville and Britt can go to Hell right along with their poverty-stricken state.

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