Note to FOX News

You cocksuckers need driven out of existence. I encourage anyone interested in Democracy and the Rule of Law to follow the Lincoln Project in whatever media format suits your taste, cut ‘n paste, gen one up yourself and cc: all your friends. I sense a growing list of MAGA cash-stream email addresses coming to my attention.

( – piece of shyt that doesn’t even use a .com address)

I’m reaching out to find out whether Digital Content Next plans to continue to represent Fox News following the recent revelations in the Dominion Voting Systems v. Fox News briefing.

Details from the briefing reveal that Fox News’s leadership sought to manipulate the election process behind the scenes and intentionally misled viewers with election fraud conspiracies that they knew to be false. In fact, Murdoch personally shared confidential information about the Biden campaign’s ad buys with Kushner, a representative of the Trump campaign.

The definition of propaganda is “Manipulating and misleading people intentionally to achieve political ends.” Not only does this evidence meet these standards, but the company also went above and beyond to coordinate with a political party to influence the political process itself.

Digital Content Next describes itself as a partner to “high-quality digital content companies that manage trusted, direct relationships with consumers and marketers.” Your membership criteria lists multiple rules including: 

Once admitted, members must demonstrate an on-going, scrupulous commitment to best practices for Online Publishing with respect to editorial quality and integrity, credibility and accountability.

The applicant’s online content must not be inappropriate, obscene or otherwise unlawful.

Members must have demonstrated a commitment to the highest standards of online publishing for at least one year.

It appears that Fox News violates all these rules. Do you plan to continue representing Fox News despite its egregious violations of advertiser privacy and the deceptions it has made to the public?

Thank you,

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