Broadcast Television

…is little more than marketing garbage these days. That includes the political variety – marketing various morons for public office. The run-up to elections merely puts them in-your-face 24×7 for a few weeks. I imagine this includes the cable nets as well, but I haven’t subscribed to those ripoffs for at least a decade, so dunno.

Years ago I used to repeatedly lament how every new generation of television set got better at doing bad things. Now I am convinced they are good for only one thing: Sports. News and timewasting (movies, whatever) to a lesser extent, but it’s all irreparably marred with the marketing. I’m starting to count how many kickoffs I miss because they now manipulate digital delays to extend commercial time when that play is inconsequential. Don’t even get me started on the volume bullshyt.

Even the late night talk shows I used to enjoy are now just a rehash of the news with jokes inserted + entertainment industry marketing with visits from all the interesting Hollywood and music people. The YouTube™ clips save alot of time these days. Then you get the greedy bastards at places like FOX™ and their sub-imitators, who skillfully blend marketing and politics to the point where half the country is now brainwashed.

Experience? More like an ongoing nightmare.

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