Smoking Cannabis

… is not generally speaking, a healthy thing to do. But that goes for pretty much any combusted material you might inhale – even from mundane environmental sources. I imagine from a strictly particulate standpoint, many commuters get way more dirt in their lungs just sitting in traffic or tooling up and down the thoroughfares than us lucky people inside or out in the country. You could probably choke yourself with just about anything if you go crazy enough with it.*

Smoking anything is really old school in this era of modern electronics. Above low 400°F temps is where carbon monoxide and other toxic combustion byproducts begin to appear. I didn’t listen to the Forbes audio piece linked by Cannabis Culture – media click mongers. It was nice how in the text they pointed out glaring shortcomings in an earlier study which tried to assert just the opposite.

Here’s the deal – compared to smoking, vaping is safe and effective.* It also appears to be the only way for me to ingest an effective dose without invoking hyperemesis by eating the stuff. Just now off another 3-day vape break, and as before, detect no change in pulmonary function, feel or effect. In fact, I suspect something in the Kief I’ve been using actually improves it, by stimulating mucous membrane activity and opening the small sacs deep down in there.

It’s certainly not for everybody, especially the rare cases in people lacking the liver enzymes to metabolize it. But if you can tolerate it, it’s the best remedy for any number of chronic conditions including arthritis and nerve root damage. My VA prescription history stands as proof. Link withheld to preserve bandwidth.

I’m looking to start a culture war with the pharma companies.

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