“FDA has repeatedly disregarded evidence demonstrating safety that is relevant to CBD at the levels commonly used in supplements and continues to rely heavily on safety concerns related to high dosage Epidiolex to support the agency’s inaction,” Mister said in a statement.

Sounds about right for an agency reeling from the Covid fiasco. I suppose the rationale is if they do nothing, at least they can’t be blamed for a bad outcome. It seemed to work for SARScOv2, so what the fuck.

In all reality, it probably doesn’t matter what they say or do in the long run. Worst case scenario, customers will continue sorting trough the morass of scam and fraudulent products on the market. Best case scenario, cost will rise slower without onerous labeling, testing and tracking regulations.

CBD is but one of Cannabis’ many potentially game-changing therapeutics. That’s why they had to use so much Epidiolex™ – they were trying to isolate it. They just got lucky, stumbling on one of who knows(?) how many ways to affect seizures. Idiots. Taken together, both CBD and THC, along with the plethora of minor Cannabanoids, will eventually re-define the pharma industry. And they are terrified. There’s no longer enough afternoon TV marketing slots available for their government-approved scams.

Cannabis is a safe, effective therapy for numerous chronic maladies.

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