Waste My Hate

Somebody(?) certainly has their hands full now. Managing empowered haters is never going to be easy. How the Bobitch continued managing to muster enough hateful hillbilliy votes in district 3 is beyond me. Those people will continue lying in their self-made bed for the foreseeable future. Increasing reality of the hateful fucks I plan to give more frequently as the days go by, will gain intensity.

Watching lawyers trying to screw each other over has become a mundane political pastime. This is what you get when greedy, ignorant idiots play politics: The so-called “Freedom” Caucus – freely subjected to corporate and religious slavery, can suck my dick and choke on it.

They can’t even have a red wave amongst themselves.

Wasting My Hate -Metallica
Clown show USA 2023.
How’s all that Trumplican shyt workin’ out for ya now, mutherfucker?

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