Better than Tumblr!

Wanna play with computers? Knock yourself out, but please clean up the mess when you’re through. Still not sure what we even need Twitter™ for at all. Social media is just a cheaper, faster way to do what the legacy media companies have been doing all along, with some new bells and whistles.

How much media do you need to ingest, and how would you like it created? All I want is a pretty lady telling me the weather when I’m in the mood for some background noise.

Take a few training classes, learn some shell scripting and you don’t need any of this crap. Sure, that’s easy for me to say, but trust me – it’s not that hard – I’m high-functioning autistic. Why do you think there were so many (claimed) redundant Twitter™ employees? So many trying to do it.
Endless ranting about Musk and Twitter is getting annoying.

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