How to Fix the Cops

New Orleans has just taken a step in the right direction. The motivation is concerning, but the idea is right. Police don’t need to be warriors armed to the teeth for >90% of the Stuff they do. Arguably, the presence of firearms in otherwise manageable situations just makes it go bad faster. Cops have expended more ammunition in the past year, than criminals have since the beginning of time. It’s time to start leaving most of the weapons at the station.

Brits been doing it with great success forever.

“United Kingdom law allows the use of “reasonable force” to make an arrest or prevent a crime[38][39] or to defend oneself.[40] If the force used is fatal, then the European Convention of Human Rights only allows “the use of force which is no more than absolutely necessary”.[41] Firearms officers may therefore only discharge their weapons “to stop an imminent threat to life”.[42]”

Most Castle Doctrine texts reflect this concept, yet somehow people get shot sitting in their cars or attempting to flee in this country every day.

They’ll gain real appreciation for that response time issue when the cops themselves are the ones waiting for armed backup

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