“Working Royals?”

Maybe Charles feels reality creeping into the UK royalty game. Seems a token gesture to a cultural anachronism long past it’s shelf life. When “working” refers to the manner in which otherwise unemployed members of any family get free money from the taxpayers based solely on their citizenship as opposed to their bloodline, the United Kingdom will have solved the welfare state and associated gig economy financial conundrums.

Keep up the good work, King Charles!

“We should all work towards removing the royal family as head of state of our nations,” said Rosalea Hamilton, Jamaican reparations advocate.

Working at feathering their nests, sitting on their royal asses.

We have a family by the name of Trump here in the U.S. with aspirations to the royalty game. Going on 250 years since our last run-in with a monarchy, and woke broke their bank. We’ll see how that works out for the Brits, going forward.

It’s gonna come out Charles was the one doing the racist snark at Meghan. Medieval just won’t go away.

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