Question for Ted Cruz

Do you really think anyone, be they a law officer, those “good guys with guns,” or the goddamned 82nd Airborne is gonna stop a deranged teenager from doing whatever the fuck they want? Please believe me, I know. I was one, and did some pretty crazy shyt, some of which I don’t ever brag about.

Abbot sits in a press conference bragging about all the school safety laws he passed. The cops brag about their quick reaction with show of force (while waiting outside until most of the killing was over). Then some sycophant makes comments about limiting entrance access – at an elementary school. Fucking idiots, every stinking one of them.

The problem’s been known for decades. Conservatives want authoritarian control. Guns are a big factor in the means to that end, along with plenty of bloodthirsty dumb-asses to pull the triggers. Crazy people shouldn’t have access to deadly weapons. Should’ve mentioned that to the Repugs before they closed all the mental hospitals in the 60s, leading us gunned-down this garden path.

You need a .45 caliber enema, mutherfucker..
Updated 26 MAY to suggest a full AR mag on auto up the poop chute.

America’s Gun Crises. -Seth Meyers, 25 MAY 22

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