Lets Cut to the Chase

A core issue supporting the MAGA phenomenon should be obvious to anybody exercising a modicum of critical reasoning. It is central to one of their biggest flim-flams: Education. You can’t have a successful MAGA movement without a large number of dumb mutherfuckers suffering significant educational challenges charging the police line.

The Student Loan Scam was merely the 1st volley in that exchange almost sixty years ago. It’s legalized robbery designed to keep the so-called educated poor and working. The CRT farce dovetails nicely in their education plan to keep America stupid.

We’re gonna need some accelerant on the MAGA movement,.

It takes a certain form of intelligence (or lack thereof), to sit in a church pew thinking you are so much better than those non-believers. Their leaders follow a parallel brainwashing track with similar supporter vetting requirements. U.S population Venn diagram overlaps largely on the stupid and devout demographics.

Funny how the priests been teaching that same book for centuries, but people still can’t quite seem to learn it. Education can’t fix stupid either, but makes it alot less dangerous.

It’s also kinda how the tax system works.

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