No Better than the Taliban

These religious authoritarian nutbags will not stop until they have established a patriarchal society controlling women little removed from a veiled xtian-flavored sharia law. Demanding to congregate in the middle of a raging pandemic wasn’t enough. Now they demand to be the ultimate arbiter of life and death, in the name of superstition over science.

I hold the catholics primarily responsible, but the southern baptists and any number of other xtian cults are just as culpable. Not one shit is actually given about the lives they claim to save. They are just counting imaginary souls in the religion game, subjugating their flocks to support popes, priests and pastors with pithy offerings to the almighty fraud.

“EVERYONE needs to read this piece and note the images. These “protesters” and their ploys are meant to control women and women’s bodies.”

Supreme Court’s turn.

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