Goldfish are In for the Winter

I waited to move the goldfish into their basement aquarium winter home until the last possible day this year. The pond was doing so well I was reluctant to move them. Water was cold (45F), weather is going bad/cold here for the next few days, and they appeared to be dipping into hibernation, so it was time to get it done. A few of them attempted to hide by slithering into the leaves on the bottom while I was trying to net them. Some pond-fish people let their Koi and Goldfish hibernate over the winter, but I’m reluctant to try that. It’s liable to get very cold at times, so the waterfall will surely freeze and cause related problems. We lost one to predators I assume, sometime in just the past month. I counted 7 before leaving for New Hampshire, but there were only 6 yesterday. Maybe I’ll get them a few new friends in the spring.

Goldfish 20171027

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