New Cell-Block Construction

There’s gonna be alot of priority construction projects ongoing across Ukraine in coming years. Even so, we’ll need to carefully evaluate their proclivity, along with other interested candidates, to hosting the next Gitmo. Americans won’t tolerate it over here, but somebody is gonna have fun managing a large new prison population consisting primarily of Russian Army officers and their subordinates – at least those failing to meet the evidence criteria for capital punishment. The bar will not be high, but there will certainly still be plenty of those.

I’m thinking a more northerly clime, so the war criminals feel better acclimated to home. Those new NATO members Finland and Sweden might have some desolate, barren mountaintops with year-round snow making perfect locations. Despite not being in Russia, they should be modeled on only the best the Bolsheviks had to offer, in both form and function. Probably need two or three, the way things are shaking out at this time. Russian prison history is in the making…

The new ones will be painted blue and gold.

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