Arthritis Patients Like Cannabis

No news to me. I’m with the ~⅓ of patients in that study who gave up opiates completely. That’s what got me started with various drugs – inflammation and related pain. I’ve been through the orthopedic surgeries and all the medications that go along with it – before, during and after. The doctors will never say, because of course you’re just getting older. But I am inclined to believe all the metal in my midsection suggests the arthritis is more towards the severe end of the scale, and it’s not even my biggest health issue these days.

I’ll save my take on how it does with nerve damage for another study on that topic. The only thing I can say for sure about the weed, in my case at least is: I cannot use enough. The only two problematic issues I seem to have with Cannabis are: Can’t use enough, and waiting to start up again after a break when hyperemesis sets in.

It’s time to right-size the Pharma Industry.

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