Health Status Update

Latest Symptoms Log entry:

4 MAR 22: After 3 years of going through all the medications, surgeries and rehab, it seems I’ve finally arrived at a steady physical state. Still struggling with the psychological aspect of re-calibrating my life, figuring out what I can and cannot do, how long it takes to do what I can, and trying to prioritize necessary activities. Not yet sure where the Cannabis hyperemesis threshold is. I’m using at a rate about half what I was before that episode. Some clues point to real success with the weed. I’ve noticed not always grabbing for the cane every time I get up after medicating. The paralytic muscle sensation clearly diminishes with THC. Neurontin has a similar effect, but also seems to make me dizzy. CBD certainly helps with sleep. I’ve noticed a few episodes of REM sleep coming back over the past couple months. There’s a whole world of nuances in the strains I can’t really distinguish except to say the Indicas seem to work better on radiculopathy, for me. C-Spine decompression stops the arms from going numb during the night. That is a big sleep loss factor. Skipping decompression just one session immediately begins a slide back into the overnight arm numbing. i have to be real careful with small, spillable stuff because there’s almost no sensation in my hands anymore. I’m doing an average of 2 hrs/day various PT stuff, mostly foam roller and decompression. Still pretty miserable, but I can see a way forward.

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