Testament to a Historic Truth

Mike Dense made a reappearance to enlighten us with some fascist wisdom in a Faux News interview recently. According to Pence, “weakness arouses evil,” blaming Biden for the Russian aggression in Ukraine. Sitting idly by while that bloviating fleshbag and his goons destroyed the country, emboldening Putin every step of the way showed strength? Waiting his turn at the wheel, who is he to talk about weakness? This POS is as much if not more to blame for this travesty than anyone else.

Might he be referring to the weakness of releasing all those Taliban from Bagram in his so-called “Peace Deal?” Maybe it was a weak reference to Russian bounties paid for Americans in the ‘Stan? Or possibly the notion that only he was the anointed one to save the country from Trump at the 11th hour?

Mike Pence is a testament to historically epic stupidity and political corruption. Rot in Hell, you traitorous cocksucker.

Historically, fuckwits like this, have no association with truth whatsoever.
Facsist fuckwit.

Mike Pence is #2 on the sedition list. The subpoena is coming.

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