Isla Vista Stupidity

Re; “Megan Came to Visit” – five posts down…

So I see one of the victim’s fathers from last Friday’s shooting rampage is distraught about this, demanding more gun control.  He also wants to meet with the other victim’s parents so they may begin addressing some vague concept about how their children’s deaths “will mean something.”  What their children’s death means – just a wild guess – is the killer’s parents are careless, irresponsible assholes.  Here’s the synopsis:

Only (spoiled) child of divorced lawyers goes berserk.  Ya think?

Stupid parents strike again.  And don’t forget the old random chance factor.  Nobody is immune to it.  Being in the wrong place at the the wrong time has always been an unfortunate fact of life and death for those affected by it.  Shit happens.

Blaming guns and lack of gun control is like blaming starvation on food that doesn’t exist.  Alot of these type problems laid at society’s doorstep simply would not exist if parents put a little more effort into raising their offspring.  Attempting to deflect responsibility for this tragedy in this way isn’t doing anyone any good.

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