Annual Camping Trip

Hiking Buddy Jax and me recently spent a week up in Rocky Mountain National Park. We got all the way up Lily Mountain and within about 3 miles of Buchanan Pass this year. But I paid the price for over-doing it and took a week to recover this time around. So it looks like the Buchanan Pass goal is going to have to wait until after a left hip replacement. Despite making it about a mile further than last year, drug-assist is just not cutting it anymore. But I think starting a little earlier with a new left hip will be the future formula for success on the Buchanan Pass quest. Lion Gulch along the Little Thompson river is the last dog-friendly trail in the vicinity we have yet to explore. I think maybe we’ll be doing that on a day trip with Michelle sometime soon. The hiking boots will just have to collect dust until we get the necessary hip repairs completed. Here’s a page of Photos for the week.

Buchanan Pass
Jax loves this stuff more than I do.

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