Old School BBQ

We got this old Brinkman from Major Bob across the Street at Dapple Grey Lane in the Springs when they moved on to a new assignment, back in 2001, IIRC. We also temporarily got one of their Maine coon cats, but that’s a different story. Anyway, the old charcoal burner was pretty rusty, so I cleaned it up and painted it. It’s been soldiering on well ever since. They don’t make them like this any more. The steel is a good 1/8″ thick.

Over the years it got a better smokestack, bigger front table, and more recently new stainless racks. The only thing it was missing is the sidecar for long-time smoking. Fortunately Phoebe’s friend Tanner inspired me to make this simple add-on to compensate for that. It blocks direct heat from one side, so you can put enough fire in there to last at least an hour or more without burning one side of the meat. Then when it’s almost done, you can slide the coals over directly under the meat to crisp the outside, if desired.

That section of chrome steel was part of the recumbent bike scrapped after the lightning strike.

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