Critical Race Cocksucker

Dan Crenshaw is one of the better stealth Trumplicans, skirting issues and dodging questions with alacrity whenever he appears. He recently misspoke with determination on Treveor Noah’s podcast, cherry-picking the Virginia school issue stating “…has CRT been promulgated in the schools, and the answer is yes.” Which is of course, absolutely false. Maybe he’s talking about their WVa repug neighbors trying to actually legislate historical censorship?

This occurs in an atmosphere of legal intimidation for teachers, and school administrators. Jim Crowe v2 would be the most apt cliche moniker. They can’t argue history and the fight was lost long ago, so they attempt to legislate against reality as Trumplican-induced angst flares in white supremacist hovels across the country.

Good luck with that global warming in Texas, fuckwit.

These mutherfuckers lie to their constituents about religion and racism in order to fool them into voting against their own interests. It’s fucking despicable.

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