Interviewing Getaway Drivers

King Fuckwit held a rally at the Iowa fairgrounds last weekend. Between him and the Covid crises he is so intimately entwined with, it amounts to a social media nightmare. Idiots and criminals have an effective, ubiquitous tool with which to wreak havoc. Most people agree the government should not be allowed to define what is true. So the self-fulfilling prophecy of section 230 has come to pass. A judge by the name of Wilkinson unwittingly set this country on the path to destruction in 1997. There is no legal incentive for Facebook or any Internet company for that matter, to police themselves, and in fact, substantial profit incentive not to.

It’s starting to look like people will come to this epiphany the hard way. It’s a math problem now. The number of gullible morons in this country has exceeded common sense’ capacity to contain the damage. Shutting it down to clean up the mess and start over might be the only solution. How corporate breakups might be informed should be a part of that process. Mr. Kirschner’s analogy to how the situation now unfolds is entertaining, in a sobering sort of way.

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