Downing the Big Front Aspen

Clearing out the deadwood from last year’s early hard freeze was a summer-long project. Most everything I do around here nowadays gets done in small chunks, but I’m usually good to go for up to an hour or so with the girdle on. I was able to accomplish the lumber-jacking by cutting smaller pieces off the tops first, working my way down to the main trunks in a dozen sessions over the past few months. That way there was only an hour’s worth of work each time I started back in on it again.

I took it off about 4′ up so Michelle can use the stump for a plant stand in the spring. This was probably one of the easiest tree fellings ever attempted by anyone, and I still eff’d it up. It was already leaning the right direction, but tried to barber-chair because I didn’t get the hinge lined up straight to finish it. Moving the big stuff once it was down without any lumbar-jacking took a bit of fussing about. That’s how we used to deliver the Oxy/Acetylene tanks without a cart. You could do one in each hand if you were really skilled at it. Mr. Wallington might be less crippled than me, but the stuff he does is 100 orders of magnitude greater. Just have to adapt and find ways to get things done.

Fun starts at about the 5-minute mark.
Almost knocked the phone off the ladder.

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