Damn Russians are Persistent

Can’t figure out why the Russians are so interested in my web site ever since the 2016 election. Everything’s political, but WTF do I know?! I guess the Trumplicans must be paying them well.

Quite the little cyber-crime operation they have setup over there. Russkies outnumber all the world’s other spammer, scammer, and other digital n’ere do wells put together aimed at me these days.

Inside Russian Hacking Culture. “Let me say that we know very well the insides of the software used on many websites,” Kovalyev said. “And so we know where the holes are. But you make it easy by not fixing even what you can fix. And so we visit. Hello!”

That’s like a mugger bragging about where to find all the darkest, smelliest corners of the NYC subway.

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