In the Home Stretch

Just around the clubhouse turn looking to finish up the IKONOS gig in little more than a month.  The 13th of June should be my last day on the job with Lockheed as I hope to be headed up into the mountains for a camping trip the following Monday and expect to take vacation for the remainder of the time until the layoff takes effect on June 30th.  Being around the guys I’ve worked with all these years those last days would just feel too awkward.

The only fly in the ointment is that little cardio condition of mine just now coming to the fore.  It’s quite likely I’ll be on disability leave at some point during that time if the chest pain turns out to call for the standard angioplasty treatment I’m expecting.  A couple more visits to the hospital for some tests should have that scoped out (literally) soon.  I’m going to be disappointed if I have to postpone the camping trip because of it.

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