Billionaire Astronauts

I’m making a rare exception to posting policy acknowledging Blue Origin’s successful mission today. Posts here are typically supported with links to relevant information, but not this one. The following is purely my opinion on the topic.

Many judgements and accusations surrounding wealth disparity and income inequality have been leveled against people like Musk, Brandon and now Bezos, with regard to the commercial space industry. I call it antithetical hypocrisy. It is a more secular non-political form of hypocrisy held by people living their daily, mundane lives in the lap of technology born from space programs.

Anyone enjoying their cellphone/Internet, powerful pharmaceuticals, high tech apparel, fashion accessories, cars, and a plethora of advances in techno-driven manufacturing can thank space exploration and research. It all sources from programs like DARPA, NASA and others, pushing the envelope to meet the next challenge and conquer another frontier.

So if it takes alot of big dick energy and billionaire dollars to get it done, – more power to ’em! And if they just want to have some fun and take their friends for a ride, that’s cool too.

It does look alot like a big dick.

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