Window Well Project Finally Finished

This project started last April, when we pulled the dead junipers out from under Phoebe’s bedroom window. Then came repairs to the well itself, installing the sump and making a new flowerbed. The Junipers made a nice cover for that window well, shielding it from rain and snow and providing a safety factor so at least nobody fell in. I decided to fabricate a steel-framed custom window cover for it because the builders used a too-small well that is splayed out or stretched on one side to fit. Nothing purchased off-the-shelf would fit right and the good ones cost over $500 anyway. I put this together for about $200 in materials and maybe 50 hours of labor. There was a TON of welding involved with a total of 25 separate pieces of steel going into the frame:

Window Well Frame
It can be locked from the inside with a chain and hook mechanism, so it adds a nice little layer of home security. Panes in, painted and installed:

Window Well 6
Window Well 7
Window Well 8

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