Big Fail 2020

Seems like every news outlet, social media pundit and YouTube™ channel ran a missive marking the anniversary of the pandemic yesterday. I guess the trouble started here around that time, so that’s probably as good a date as we’ll ever get. I’ll be no different, except to expand on the theme and place my journalistic exclamation mark. Let’s not forget influencer and influenza have the same etymological root.

Three things simmering in failure just below society’s surface were dramatically revealed to our country last year. They are three of the biggest, most important institutions in our society. Taken together in the face of a pandemic, they form an ominous warning.

The Government portion of the failure will be briefly commented in the following post tomorrow. Suffice to say for the purpose of this list, they caused more problems than they solved. I won’t bore anybody with a litany of egregious missteps, already extensively documented, except to say any Repuglican remaining in support of The Fuckwit at this time, is an enemy of the State. Being too stupid to know any better just makes me hate them more. Being an elected representative in that group puts you in my crosshairs.

The Police, as an institution, have been working in earnest towards their big fail for decades. The slow march to widespread public disgrace was enabled and mostly supported by the government over the years, so they can claim ignorance – as a group. But the individuals perpetrating the ongoing subjugation of our society, starting with that piece-‘o-shyt Chauvin will be punished – over and over again, until they learn their job and start respecting human rights. FUCK THE POLICE.

Last, but certainly not least is The Healthcare System. There must be plenty of quality doctors out there trying to do good, but with pharma, insurance and big HMO’s in cahoots with the legal system to extract financial blood from their customers at the expense of basic PPE supplies, there is no hope. The CDC’s performance does not even rate a mention for the purpose of this post. I will always sing the praises of the front-line workers, and they certainly are the big heroes in all this. But the people they work for are greedy cocksuckers who will drive this country into the dirt. FUCK THEM TOO.

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