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XFree86 Version 4.0 Installation and Configuration

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Now we will proceed with the actual installation. If you have downloaded all of the correct binary files, and the script this should go very smoothly. The installer may ask you a few questions. I personally just answered the default answer on all the questions posed to me, and it seemed to work nicely. If you know that you want to answer differently on a question, then by all means, give the installer the answer that applies to your system. If you are curious about what some of the options are all about, check out the README file that is available in the directory with all the binaries.

You should execute the following command (as root) to begin the installation.

# sh

After you answer all the questions, it will extract and copy files to the proper directories, and may come back with additional questions, depending on which additional components you chose to download. The next step is configuring the X server.


If you have never used a text mode editor in Linux, I reccomend you become familiar with one before you install and configure X. You probably won't be able to use GUI text editors for most of the configuration process.

Generating a sample XF86Config file

The first thing you will want to do is run:

# XFree86 -configure

This will create a file called '' in your /root directory.

Running xf86config

The next step is to run xf86config, but before you do that, you will want to read over the '' file in your /root directory. The step we just took generated a file that has a lot of the correct information about your card in it. This will help tremendously when it comes to selecting a card from the database. Run xf8config like this:

# xf86config

The configuration program will ask you about your mouse, your keyboard, your monitor, and your video card. Get all the information you can about these items before you run the program, or you will get stuck. After you finish, try starting X like this:

# XFree86

See if that generates any errors. If not, then you're all set. You may need to use 'ctrl+alt+backspace' to exit the X server, and then start X like you normally do.

Coming soon, to an NHF near you!

Watch for a new travel guide to XF86Config. Yep, they changed the way it works, so we need a new nhf for it. Joy :)

Getting help

If you run into problems with the installation, look for me on IRC. I'm on efnet quite frequently as 'Er-Zah' in the channel '#linuxnewbie' and I would be more than happy to answer questions where I can.

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