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Unreal Tournament NHF
ver 1.1
by: CiAsA Boark


Retail Unreal Tournament CD for Windows
Linux Unreal Tournament ver 400a or 402b
A user account on the installation machine
XFree86 3.3.2 or better
libxml and libglade
Joilet ISO9660 compiled into your kernel

500 MB free space
Sound is mapped to /dev/dsp
At least a 200mhz w/64 megs of ram for playable frame-rates
Wheel mice are supported

The first thing to do is to get the latest binaries for linuxUT as well as snagging a copy of the windows retail CD. The current version is 402b, however, you will still need a copy of 400a. The 400a tarball comes with the installer made by Loki. You can use it if it suites your needs, but I personally didn't use it because it had bugs, and would have required a little bit of hacking to get working. So, being the lazy SOB that I am, I just copied the CD to my hard drive. There were a few issues to work out, but that will be addressed later.

First off make the directories that you will need for the installation. Personally, I put UT in /usr/local/games/unreal_tournament. This should be adaquate for everybody else as well, but you may choose to put it in /usr/games/unreal_tournament, or ~/unreal_tournament (the last directory just means the 'unreal_tournament' directory under your home directory. Once you have decided where you want the game to be installed start X11. Then mount your cdrom containing the UT retail CD to /mnt/cdrom by issuing the following command:

mount /dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom
(note that your cdrom may be a device other than hdc, change the command to reflect your cdrom device)

Then, using your favorite file manager, open /mnt/cdrom and 'wherever_you_want_ut_installed'. In most modern file managers you can just drag and drop file from one window to another. So just select the entire contents of the CD and copy them to the installtion directory. This will take a good while to finish so we can go ahead and set up some other stuff while its copying.

Now open /etc/X11/XF86Config with your favorite text editor. Edit your XF86Config file and add the following to the [pointers] section:

SampleRate 100
Resolution 300

This should help smooth the mouse out a bit.

Also, if you have a wheel mouse you should add the following to the [pointers] section.

ZAxisMapping 4 5

Then, once the CD is done copying, go to the ut_installation_direcrory/System/User.ini file and change the MouseX=Axis and MouseY=Axis part to reflect the following:

MouseX=Axis aMouseX Speed=20.0
MouseY=Axis aMouseY Speed=20.0

Then, if you want to go ahead and change your mouse sensitivity now just change the following:


Now, for 400a they added DGA mouse support, to enable it check and see if the following is in the [XDrv.XClient] section of ut_installation_directory/System/UnrealTournament.ini. If you don't see it just add it. Please note that DGA will not work correctly with XFree86 3.3.3, you should upgrade to a later version to take advantage of DGA mouse handling.


Now you just need to go back and deleted the files and folders that you dont need. Like the autorun.ini and stuff like that. Then I took out the directories that I didnt need, I cant remember them right now, but they should be obvious, and if your afraid you might break something, just dont delete them. The second CD has nothing of interest, so i just left it alone.

Then i untared the 400a tarball into /tmp/1 just to get a look at it. It contains a nice README file as well as a couple of tar.gz files. These tar.gz files are what need to be extracted so UT will run in linux. I would suggest using something along the lines of archiver (comes with KDE) cause its a bit faster to use a GUI, but whatever floats your boat. Just untar every .tar.gz file in /tmp/1 that was in the 400a .tar.gz file into the root of UT. For me this was /usr/local/games/unreal_tournament. Every file will be placed where they need to be, and some will overwrite other files.

Now, if you copied all the files off the CD as root then all the files will be owned by root. If you run as root then this would be acceptable. But if you w ant other users to be able to play UT then you will need to make the files owned by a normal user. To do this go one directory up from ut_installtion_directory (like /usr/local/games for example) and then type this in from a console:

chown -R ciasa.users unreal_tournament/

Where ciasa is the user, and users is the group (of course you may want to use a user other than ciasa, unless you want me running UT from you computer. That would be nice of you.)

Now just go into ut_installation_direcory/System/ and type:


A logo should appear on the desktop, and after a nice wait you should be flying around the intro map of UT!

Now for the hard part, upgrading to 402b.

For this patch you will need ver 1.1.1 of XDelta, you can grab a source package at:

After you download it just do the usual ./configure; make; make install; hit the monitor when it wont compile type stuff. Make sure that you have glib-devel-1.2.5 & glib 1.1.3 or later as well as zlib 1.1.1 or later.

Now extract the 402b patch whereever you want and then move the Patch/ directory to /usr/local/games/unreal_tournament/.

Now mount the UT CD in /mnt/cdrom and change to
/usr/local/games/unreal_tournament/Patch and run:


If all goes well, and the script can find xdelta, then UT should be patched to ver 402b.

c. 1999 CiAsA Boark Inc.

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