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Globbing on the Command Line
Written By: Devin Carraway

This article explains the details of referring to multiple files on the command line using wildcards -- particularly the places where the UNIX wildcards differ from the simpler wildcards used by DOS and Windows.


This article assumes you know how to access the command line, and are familiar with the meanings of files and directories. The commands ls(1), cp(1) and mv(1) (list files, copy files, and move files, respectively) are used as examples -- it's helpful if you know what they do, or have read their manpages. The differences between the Linux shell and the DOS command line are explained, but DOS experience isn't really required.

If you'd like to try out the examples given here, you'll find the touch(1) and mkdir(1) commands useful -- see their manpages or run 'touch --help' or 'mkdir --help' to find out how to use them. You can use touch to create empty files with the names you choose, and work through the examples with them. The mkdir command can be used to make the directories for the copy and move examples.

The examples given here work with both bash and csh, the most common shells on Linux systems.

"Globbing" is like a lot of terms you hear from UNIX users -- it sounds amusing, but it's meaning isn't necessarily apparent. Actually, globbing isn't something you yourself need to do -- it's something you get to tell the shell (e.g. bash or csh) to do for you. Globbing is done when you specify filenames using "wildcard" contractions to refer to more than one file using a shorter form for them on the commandline (see the Jargon File definition of "glob" at

If you've used DOS before, you probably remember the expression "*.*" (usually pronounced "star-dot-star.") That was how you told DOS that whatever command you'd just given, you wanted it to apply to all the files in the directory. It had to be written that way because DOS can only conceive of files with names like MYFILE.TXT -- up to eight letters, then a period, then up to three letters. It's a limitation that got put there a long time ago.

Linux, like other kinds of UNIX, doesn't have the kinds of limitations that DOS does. (You may notice that most of the DOS/Windows history has led to limitations, like 8.3 filenames, whereas most of the Linux/UNIX heritage has led to neat tools, like bash. If not, hang on and we'll see.) Under a Linux shell, we use the * character (usually pronounced as "star") to mean "anything or nothing" in a filename -- pretty much the same as DOS, but without that confusing .* thing.

Using characters like * to indicate a list of files is a time-saving measure; it's useful because it's much easier to write "ls myfile*" than it is to write "ls myfile1.txt myfile2.txt myfile47.jpeg" and so forth. When you use a * in that way, it means "all files beginning with 'myfile'" -- or, put another way, "all files beginning with 'myfile' and having any other characters, or none, after that." Okay, so the first way is clearer, but the shell thinks of it the second way. To the shell, "*" means "zero or more characters." So when you say "ls myfile*", before it runs the ls(1) command, it goes looking for files whose names begin with "myfile". It assembles a list of them, and then gives that list to ls -- so even though you aren't typing "ls myfile1.txt myfile2.txt" and so on, that's what ls sees -- the shell saved you the work.

By the way, the * in a commandline is called a "meta-character." That's just a way of saying that it doesn't literally mean an asterisk, but that it stands for something else. The meta-characters you'll probably find most useful are, in order, *, ?, [] and {} (ah, you say -- but [] and {} are two characters each -- true enough, but that will become clearer in a moment). Because of their special meanings, many programs will try to discourage you from using those characters when you name files -- because they have special meanings to the shell, they can be tricky to access when you have to type in their names.

Unlike DOS, a * can be used anywhere -- at the beginning of a filename, the end of one, or in the middle. Also unlike DOS, you can use as many *s as you like. Meta-characters are available to you in most any combination. We might as well also explain that the ? meta-character means "any single character." ? matches A, or q, or 6. However, unlike *, it doesn't match nothing at all -- myfile* would match "myfile" and "myfile2", but myfile? would only match myfile2.

Let's say you had a lot of files; some where named "letter_to_mom-NNN.txt", where NNN was some number (you write to Mom a lot). Also suppose you had some pictures named "photo_for_mom-NNN.jpeg" (again NNN being some number), and some more files named things like "letter_to_dad-NNN.txt". Now suppose you wanted to copy (using the cp(1) command) all the letters to a directory called myletters:

cp letter* myletters/

That one's pretty simple -- when you say letter* to the shell, it means "all the files whose names begin with 'letter'", and so all the letter* files will get copied to the myletters directory. Now suppose you were making a directory of correspondence with Mom -- now you need to copy not only the letters to her, but also the photos you've been collecting. One simple way would be:

cp letter_to_mom* mom/
cp photo_for_mom* mom/

... but that's way too much typing. A somewhat shorter way would be:

cp letter_to_mom* photo_for_mom* mom/

... that works too, because cp(1) can copy any number of files at once, so long as the last thing on the commandline tells cp into what directory you'd like the files put. But there's an even shorter way:

cp *_mom.* mom/

... this tells cp to copy all the files that have "_mom." in them anywhere into the mom directory. The _ (underscore) and . are there because they were used in the original filenames before and after the name -- that way your correspondence with Cardamom and Electro-Mom won't get mixed in.

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