Tuesday, 12-Dec-2000 10:40:10 EST
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Written By:
Ying Zhang

Configuring Windows
With the Samba server running on Homer, it's now time to turn our attention to Bart and Lisa. This part is really simple, just like connecting to any other Windows share. First, let's make sure the networking properties are set up properly.

In the Identification tab of your Network setup, make sure your Computer Name and Workgroup is set up properly. Following our example so far, Bart should have the computer name Bart and the workgroup name Simpsons. The same goes for Lisa.

Here are some screenshots of my network properties:

Win Configuration
Win Identification

In the Access Control tab, enable Share-level access control. Next we look at the Configuration tab. We also need file and print sharing turned on.

Win Access
Win Printer/File Sharing
Finally we tell Windows that Homer is the WINS server, and tell it not to act as the browse master (under File and Printer sharing).
Win Config1
Win Config2

In Windows NT, the configuration screens are different, but the concept is the pretty much the same. A reader Donald Saltarelli points out that "NT clients with SP3 will need to enable clear-text passwords". If you are using NT, please check see the Samba documentation for more details.

You have all the information you need. Hit Apply and Ok and we should be all done! Windows will probably want you to reboot (is there any change that doesn't require a reboot?).

After Windows reboots, go to Network Neighborhood and you should see your Samba server. If you double click on it you should see the two shares, data and public. Now you can map them to drive letters if you so desire. Congratulations, everything is done!

Now we will look at securing our Samba server from outside attacks.

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