

With syslog-ng, you can collect logs from any source, process them in real time and deliver them to a wide variety of destinations. syslog-ng allows you to flexibly collect, parse, classify, rewrite and correlate logs from across your infrastructure and store or route them to log analysis tools.


Security Onion uses syslog-ng as its primary syslog collector and to send logs to Logstash where they are parsed and augmented before being written to Elasticsearch.


syslog-ng’s configuration file is located at /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf.


You can configure syslog-ng to forward Zeek / Wazuh / IDS logs to external systems.


Regardless of whether syslog-ng is sending to the Elastic stack or some other external system, you should check to see that syslog-ng is not dropping logs. sostat now has a syslog-ng section that shows stats and it will also check for any dropped logs.


syslog-ng listens on port 514 (TCP and UDP) for incoming syslog from other devices. You may need to run so-allow to allow traffic from the IP address of your syslog sender.


If you’d like to analyze logs collected from other devices, another option is to configure Wazuh to receive syslog directly on a port other than the syslog-ng port of 514. For more information, please see

More Information

For more information about syslog-ng, please see