
Setup locks down the firewall by default. If you need to open ports for OSSEC agents, syslog devices, or analyst VMs, you can run so-allow and it will walk you through this process. so-allow also provides an option to add firewall rules for sensors although you shouldn’t need this under normal circumstances since they should automatically add their own rules.

This program allows you to add a firewall rule to allow connections from a new IP address.

What kind of device do you want to allow?

[a] - Analyst - ports 22/tcp, 443/tcp, and 7734/tcp
[b] - Logstash Beat - port 5044/tcp
[c] - apt-cacher-ng client - port 3142/tcp
[e] - Elasticsearch REST endpoint - port 9200
[f] - Logstash forwarder - standard - port 6050/tcp
[j] - Logstash forwarder - JSON - port 6051/tcp
[l] - Syslog device - port 514
[n] - Elasticsearch node-to-node communication - port 9300
[o] - OSSEC agent - port 1514
[s] - Security Onion sensor - 22/tcp, 4505/tcp, 4506/tcp, and 7736/tcp

If you need to add any ports other than those listed above,
you can do so using the standard 'ufw' utility.

For more information, please see:

Please enter your selection (a - analyst, c - apt-cacher-ng client, l - syslog, o - ossec, or s - Security Onion sensor, etc.):

Wazuh Whitelist

If you choose the analyst option, so-allow will also add the analyst IP address to the Wazuh Whitelist. This will prevent Wazuh Active Response from blocking the analyst IP address.


To view existing rules granted through the use of so-allow, use the following command:



If you’ve added an IP address via so-allow and later need to remove it, you can use so-disallow.