Syslog Output

Please keep in mind that we don’t provide free support for third party systems, so this section will be just a brief introduction to how you would send syslog to external syslog collectors. If you need commercial support, please see

How do I send Zeek and Wazuh logs to an external syslog collector?

Configure /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf with a new destination to forward to your external syslog collector and then restart syslog-ng.

How do I send IDS alerts to an external system?

2 options:

  • Edit ALL /etc/nsm/HOSTNAME-INTERFACE/barnyard2*.conf files on ALL sensors with a new output to send IDS alerts to your external systems and then restart all barnyard2 instances:

    sudo so-barnyard-restart


  • On your master server (running sguild), configure /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf with a new source to monitor /var/log/nsm/securityonion/sguild.log for Alert Received lines and a new destination to send to your external system, and then restart syslog-ng. To do this modify /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf and add the following lines:

This line specifies where the sguild.log file is located, and informs syslog-ng to tail the file, the program_override inserts the string sguil_alert into the string:

source s_sguil { file("/var/log/nsm/securityonion/sguild.log"
program_override("sguil_alert")); };

This line filters on the string “Alert Received”:

filter f_sguil { match("Alert Received"); };

This line tells syslog-ng to send the data read to the IP address of, via UDP to port 514:

destination d_sguil_udp { udp("" port(514)); };

This log section tells syslog-ng how to structure the previous ‘source / filter / destination’ and is what actually puts them into play:

log {

Please note that this option requires set DEBUG 2 in /etc/sguild/sguild.conf.