Tuesday, 12-Dec-2000 10:38:13 EST
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Definition List

This page will explain what the abreviations in the table that I had you draw for the High Res NHF.

Name: This parameter is actually the "name" that other parts of the XF86Config file looks for to get the necesary data to be able to draw X-Windows properly on your monitor.

dot: This parameter is actually the "dot clock" or the "Pixel Clock" that will be used to display the image on your monitor. It is the frequency, in megahertz (MHz), at which your video card can draw pixels. For example, if your video cards maximum "pixel clock" is 230MHz then at that frequency your video card is capable of drawing 230,000,000 pixels per second.

hor: This parameter is the horizontal number of pixels to be draw onto your display.

hore: This parameter is the actual number of pixels per horizontal scan line needed to draw "hor" onto your monitor, and it is always approximately 1.25 times larger that "hor". Meaning "hor" equals 0.8 times "hore". This ratio can vary somewhat. So, it is ok if your "hor" equals 0.75 times "hore". However it shouldn't be more than 0.8.

vert: This parameter is the number of horizontal lines to be drawn on your monitor vertically.

verte: This parameter is the actual number of horizontal lines stacked vertically needed to draw "vert" onto your monitor.

sys: This parameter is the start of the sync pulse. For "hor", it should be no less that 32 + "hor". For the "vert", "sys" you usually want it to be within 3 + "vert".

sye: This parameter is the end of the sync pule. For "hor", it should be be at least 32 - "hore". For "vert", "sye" is usually within 6 + "hor".

Sources for Creating this Document

VideoModes.doc as found in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/doc on linux systems.

XFree86 Video Timings HOWTO as found here.

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