Tuesday, 12-Dec-2000 10:38:15 EST
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Eterm for me Eterm for you
Written By: Sensei

Eterm is a copycat terminal with bonus options. Eterm uses Imlib for advanced graphic abilities. Many people love the clear terminals you see on alot of screenshots. I typically run clear terms with a tint or a darker shade for a bit of differentiation from my background. Otherwise it can be difficult to read my files because of the color display I have set within DIR_COLORS. Which I could edit, but I'm too lazy :).

Basically you download the files from the site or one of the many mirrors.

Eterm 0.8.9 i386 Binary RPM Eterm 0.8.9 i386 Binary RPM

If you don't have Imlib installed you will need to isntall it. However, if you have enlightenment installed you have Imlib installed. Moreover, if you are using Redhat 6.x or Mandrake then you most likely have Imlib installed. (Enlightenment needs Imlib to work and Redhat and Mandrake both come with Enlightenment with the default installation).

If you need to install ImLib:

Download Imlib here:

Installing Imlib

tar -zxvf imlib-1.7.tar.gz
cd to imlib-1.7/
run ./configure.

If you get errors, check config.log to see why it failed.

Compile and Install

make install

RPM Installation:
(make sure you are root and in the directory where you downloaded the Eterm .rpm)
rpm -Uvh Eterm-0.8-9.i386.rpm
bingo all done :)
Now onto the features of using and incorporating Eterm...

I use Eterm as my main terminal. There are a few really cool features of Eterm that may or may not interest you. Basically if you read this far its safe to say you're interested. Again, I use transparent terms with a slight tint of black to differentiate from the background display (See screenshots for example).

Note: I use this setup for my Eterm terminals:
Eterm --trans --menubar=0 --scrollbar=0 --shade=50

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