Tuesday, 12-Dec-2000 10:38:38 EST
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Tintin++ v1.5p19 on RedHat 6.0-6.1
William Jensen
13 January 2000

What Is Tintin++?

Tintin is a mud client. A mud client is a program that has specialized functions within it that assist you in your mudding. This inclues aliases, actions, variables, etc. The documentation that comes with the program explains these concepts and provides many valuable examples to get you started.

What Is A Mud?

The word mud is an acyronym for Multi User Dungeon. Some people also refer to it as Multi User Dimension. A mud, in general, allows many different people to hook up to one server running a game. This game, in general, revolves around a midevil theme. You make characters and level them up. Depending on the mud you are on, the questing can be exceptionally difficult, or very easy. Additonally, some muds allows PK'n. PK'n is Player Killing. This allows you to kill other players on the mud. If you want more information on what muds are available check out The Mud Journal. One mud I can recommend is Mortal Realms. MR has a lot of seasoned veterans that are newbie friendly. The Mortal Realms home page is here.

General Notes

  • Compile Tintin++ in your home directory. You only need root to move the binary to /usr/local/bin, Compiling as a user will alleviate some permission problems that you would run into if you used root for the whole thing.
  • I store all of my tintin++ related files in ~/tt and I make reference to this directory throughout this document. If you choose another directory use its path in place of ~/tt with the instructions.

Compiling & Installing

First you need a copy of Tintin++. You can get that here or you can view the main page here.

The standard compile procedure called out in the INSTALL doc is:

Installation is easy; cd to the src/ directory, then type this:


Unfortunetly, this does not work with RedHat. So what does?

  • mv tintin++v1.5pl9.tar.gz ~ (moving the file to your home directory)
  • tar xvfz tintin++v1.5pl9.tar.gz (unpacking/unziping tintin++)
  • cd tintin++/v1.5/src
  • vim (use your editor of choice)
  • find CC = @CC@ -O
  • modify it to look like GCC = @CC@ -O
  • ./configure
  • make
  • su to root
  • cp ../tt++ /usr/local/bin (make sure your $PATH includes /usr/local/bin)
  • exit su
  • cd support/
  • cp .tintinrc .tt_help.txt.Z example.coms tab.txt ~/tt
  • cd ~tintin++/v1.5/docs (here is a post script and a txt manual for tintin++)

To run tintin++ simply type cd ~/tt;tt++ [name of com file]. Better yet, set an alias in your .bashrc to automatically move you to the ~/tt directory and launch your com file. Enjoy!

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