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Like all the shells available in Linux, the Bourne Again SHell is not only an excellent command line shell, but a scripting language in itself. Shell scripting, allows you to fully utilize the shell's abilities and to automate a lot of tasks that would otherwise require a lot of commands to perform. A lot of programs lying around your Linux box are shell scripts. If you are interested in learning how they work, or in modifying them, it is essential that you understand the bash syntax and semantics. In addition, by understanding the bash language, you will be able to write your own programs to do things exactly the way you want them done.

People who are new to programming are generally confused as to what the difference is between a programming and scripting language. Programming languages are generally a lot more powerful and a lot faster than scripting languages. Examples of programming languages are C, C++, and Java. Programming languages generally start from source code (a text file containing instructions on how the final program is to be run) and are compiled (built) into an executable. This executable is not easily ported into different operating systems. For instance, if you were to write a C program in Linux, you would not be able to run that C program in a Windows 98 system. In order to do so, you would have to recompile the source code under the Windows 98 system. A scripting language also starts from source code, but is not compiled into an executable. Rather, an interpreter reads the instructions in the source file and executes each instruction. Unfortunately, because the interpreter has to read each instruction, interpreted programs are generally slower than compiled programs. The main advantage is that you can easily port the source file to any operating system and have it interpreted there right on the spot. bash is a scripting language. It is great for small programs, but if you are planning on doing major applications, a programming language might be more beneficial to you. Other examples of scripting languages are Perl, Lisp, and Tcl.

Writing your own shell scripts requires you to know the very basic everyday Linux commands. For example, you should know how to copy, move, create new files, etc. The one thing you must know how to do is to use a text editor. There are three major text editors in Linux, vi, emacs and pico. If you are not familiar with vi or emacs, go for pico or some other easy to use text editor.

Do not practice scripting as the root user! Anything could happen! I will not be held responsible if you accidentally make a mistake in the coding and screw up your system. You have been warned! Use a normal user account with no root privileges. You may even want to create a new user just for scripting practice. This way the worst thing that can happen is the user's directory gets blown away.

Our first program will be the classical "Hello World" program. Yes, if you have programmed before, you must be sick of this by now. However, this is traditional, and who am I to change tradition? The "Hello World" program simply prints the words "Hello World" to the screen. So fire up your text editor, and type the following inside it:

echo "Hello World"

The first line tells Linux to use the bash interpreter to run this script. In this case, bash is in the /bin directory. If bash is in a different directory on your system, make the appropriate changes to the line. Explicitly specifying the interpreter is very important, so be sure you do it as it tells Linux which interpreter to use to run the instructions in the script. The next thing to do is to save the script. We will call it With that done, you need to make the script executable:

xconsole$ chmod 700 ./

Refer to the manual page for chmod if you do not know how to change permissions for a file. Once this is done, you will be able to run your program just by typing its name:

xconsole$ ./
Hello World

There it is! Your first program! Boring and useless as it is, this is how everyone starts out. Just remember the process here. Write the code, save the file, and make it executable with chmod.

What exactly did your first program do? It printed the words "Hello World" to the screen. But how did it do that? It used commands. The only line of code you wrote in the program was echo "Hello World". Well, which one is the command? echo. The echo program takes one argument and prints that argument to the screen.

An argument is anything that follows after you type the program name. In this case, "Hello World" was the argument that you passed to echo When you type the command ls /home/root, the argument to ls is /home/root. So what does this all mean? It means that if you have a program that takes an argument and prints it to the screen, you can use that instead of using echo. Let us assume that we have a program called foo This program will take a single argument, a string of words, and print them to the screen. We can rewrite our program as such:

foo "Hello World"

Save it and chmod it and then run it:

xconsole$ ./hello
Hello World

The exact same result. Was there any unique code at all? No. Did you really write anything? Not unless you are the author of the echo program. All you did, was to embed the echo program into your shell program, with a argument already given. A real world example of an alternative to the echo command is the printf command. printf offers more control, especially if you are familiar with C programming. In fact, the exact same result could have been done without making a shell program:

xconsole$ echo "Hello World"
Hello World

bash shell scripting offers a wide variety of control and is easy to learn. As you have just seen, you use Linux commands to write your shell programs with. Your shell program is a collection of other programs, specially put together to perform a task.

We will write a program that will move all files into a directory, and then delete the directory along with its contents, and then recreate the directory. This can be done with the following commands:

xconsole$ mkdir trash
xconsole$ mv * trash
xconsole$ rm -rf trash
xconsole$ mkdir trash

Instead of having to type all that interactively on the shell, write a shell program instead:

mkdir trash
mv * trash
rm -rf trash
mkdir trash
echo "Deleted all files!"

Save it as and now all you have to do is to run and it moves all files to a directory, deletes them, recreates the directory, and even prints a message telling you that it successfully deleted all files. So remember, if you find that you are doing something that takes a while to type over and over again, consider automating it with a shell program.

Comments help to make your code more readable. They do not affect the output of your program. They are specially made for you to read. All comments in bash begin with the hash symbol: "#", except for the first line (#!/bin/bash). The first line is not a comment. Any lines after the first line that begin with a "#" is a comment. Take the following piece of code:

# this program counts from 1 to 10:
for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10; do
    echo $i

Even if you do not know bash scripting, you immediately know what the above program does, because of the comment. It is good practice to make use of comments. You will find that if you need to maintain your programs in the future, having comments will make things easier.


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